Hello! We’re starting a blog! Whoo-hoo!

Well, we figured what better way to start than to say a bit about ourselves first.

The human’s name is Tiffany. She is 22 and she studied photography at Northern Arizona University. We’ll occasionally let her guest blog, but mainly she’ll write what for us (because, you know, we don’t have thumbs!).


The Australian Shepherd is Miss Terra. She is 2 years old. She is a Tri split-face Blue Merle. She came to us when she was about a year old and she was a very naughty girl. No manners on this one! Terra was basically an outside dog. She didn’t get really any interaction and she’d never been groomed in her life. When she came to us, she had so much fur! And her ears were matted with hot spots that happen when you don’t groom a dog that has lots of fur. However, you can’t say she wasn’t fed-Terra was one chunky lady initially.

Nor had Terra truly seen outside of her four walls or gone for even a walk around her block. She would do a ‘fly-by,’ which is where she’d rush people and jump, nipping as she went by then she’d circle around for another go. Her person thought it was amusing, and she was continuously reinforced for inappropriate behavior. She was also quite the attention barker. Out of nowhere, she’d start grumbling and rolling on her back, emitting quick sharp barks to get someone’s attention.

Thankfully, Terra is learning some manners and rules. She’s even got a title to her name, which we’ll save for a future blog post!


The Australian Cattle Dog is Kronos. He was a temporary foster, but somehow he ended up staying in our family. He is a unique looking guy-he is comprised of 90% giraffe legs. His markings look like the coat of a giraffe too and the white speckles are very marshmallow-y. Kronos also has one ice blue eye and one silver eye and he appears ancient-like an old man before his time. Oh, and uh, he’s half-deaf. Yep. The official term is ‘unilateral deafness,’ which means he can only hear out of one ear. He sounds like a deaf dog when he barks too. So he’s a bit special, and it explains why he’s a bit socially awkward. That and he was raised basically as an only child. Being the youngest, he gets on my nerves sometimes, but at least Terra will keep him busy for me.


Now let me introduce myself. I’m Bella-the star and main voice. I’m a 9 year old Australian Cattle Dog (aka Queensland Blue Heeler). I’m my mom’s best friend, shadow, and velcro dog. I’ve been through lots with my mom and that’s part of what makes our bond so thick. I’m always there for her when no one else is.

I met my mom when I was about 8 weeks old. She wanted my brother, but the people said they were keeping him, so she then said she wanted a girl and she set her sights on me. We’re the perfect pair-a couple of headstrong, sassy, adventurous girls. We grew up together, and I’ve accompanied my mom on her college journey. I started really learning tricks when I was 6 years old, and I still love it! That old saying?-“Old dogs can’t learn new tricks?” It’s bollocks, I’ll tell you.
That’s about all I can think of right now. If you’d like to, introduce yourself to us by leaving a comment. Until next time!





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