Continued from Part I.
Kronos also got to be the errand helper and visit some fun places. We went to Olsen’s Grain (a wonderful little feed store and a park with lots of activity, people, and noises. Our main goal was positive exposure and experiences with as much as possible (more background on this in a separate post). At Olsen’s Kronos got treats from the people and when he knew the people weren’t going to stare at him or pet him, he was very content and much more relaxed. He kept sniffing all the different foods and treats and he even focused enough to do a few sits, downs, and stays. He got on the scale and we got his weight (he’s around 31 lbs., but he feels pretty light when he’s held!). When we were checking out he even put his paws up on the counter to ask for a treat (cheeky boy!). He figured since it works at PetSmart surely it would work at Olsen’s!

After that we went to to park and there was a dog park there. There weren’t any dogs there so we got the dog park all to ourselves. There was some awesome Agility equipment at this one which included tire jumps, some stacked tunnels, and small jumps. Kronos had fun trying all the obstacles out.
After playing at the dog park we walked around, jumped on different things, played fetch for a bit, and then Kronos enjoyed his chew from Olsen’s while we watched kids screaming and running around at the playground.

In between outings we explored the forests and meadows and went for a few pack walks. Bella, Terra, & Kronos loved it and had so much fun. On one of the evenings Kronos went downtown with me for the First Friday Artwalk (this was something Bella and I would do with a friend every so often and we always had so much fun). He was pretty nervous and skittish at first and spooked a little at some shadows and piled up sand bags. But we walked by them a few times to show him there was nothing to fear and then he was fine. We didn’t stay very long because Kronos was a bit worried (and the goal was to be exposed to some new things but for it to be a very positive experience for him so he’ll eventually take on a new situation with a can-do attitude and chill demeanor), but it was still a wonderful experience for him. He got to see tons of crazy things (we crossed intersections, had to walk in tight quarters near people, hear loud music and more), people making all kinds of noises, a few other dogs, and hear the general noises of busy nightlife. When we got back in the car he was absolutely exhausted.

We have a few more photos to share, but we’ll share them in another post because this one was already so long!
It was wonderful to take our training on the road and get some exposure and more experience.
7 thoughts on “Fun in Flagstaff Pt. II”
I adore all the photos! It sounds like Kronos is a fantastic errands helper, and what a great dog park with the equipment! I heard of one about a half hour away that is like that, I need to check it out with Mort some day.
I particularly love Kronos-nose in the last photo. Is that his “what are we going to do next?” face?
He’s a great companion-we’re mainly working on the woofing at people and dogs and getting used to being around others 😉
I just wish our dog park had equipment like the ones in Flagstaff! We’d be going there more often for sure. Can’t wait to see the photos with Mort at yours!
Haha! You’re spot on with that assessment!
That looks like it was a lot of great exposure. I’ve never done a pack walk, it looks like it would be fun. Kronos seems like he’s doing excellent, looks like he had perfect manners the whole time.
Aww thank you jenjelly, though he is a ways away from being as well mannered as his sisters are! He has come very far from where he was and I’m very proud of that, but he still has quite a ways to go =) Pack walks are tons of fun-we do miss them. You could see if anyone does them in your local area?
We’ve done a few walks with a couple dogs, we’re a long ways off from trying a pack walk I think. She unfortunately has a lot of resource guarding issues; particularly with guarding me from other dogs. We’re still working on it with the help of a professional. One day we’ll hopefully be able to join in on big dog walks 🙂