Thanksgiving Fun with Family

We had such a great weekend!

We went to our Grandma’s house and hung out with our canine cousins, human cousins, and aunties. Mom has five siblings, and we have ten cousins (3 canine and 7 human). Sadly, our uncle couldn’t make this get-together, but hopefully he’ll make the next one.

We really enjoyed playing with mom’s nephews. Bella represented for most of the day, and then Terra and Kronos got to come for awhile during the evening.

There was a pine cone war, hide and seek, chocolate chip cookies, and lots of running around.

Bella got to see some Alpacas! They were super interested in her BOL

Then we went to one of our aunt’s house, and spent a couple of nights there. We played games and watched movies and caught up since we haven’t seen each other in a few months.

Kronos discovered a trampoline!

Mom went up there to jump with her nephews and he thought it looked so fun that he hopped right up by himself! At first he was unsure of the moving ground, but then he decided it was a blast!

And then he thought it was hilarious to keep jumping up and jump off (because mom put him off each time, so he eventually jumped up and then jumped right off when mom went to take him off-all the while with a huge smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye) and he even bounced a bit with everyone =) As you can tell by his face here, he thought it was the bee’s knees and he liked using his jumping legs! The boys thought it was rather entertaining too. We will get footage next time =)

Bella and Terra were busy exploring the yard and didn’t really care about the trampoline, but they had fun playing too.

Cuddling with mom-she loves when we all cuddle together

Mom is so proud of us and we all had a great time. Kronos gained lots of confidence, and he got to be around dog savvy people so he opened up so much. Kids are great to be around because they are so noisy, but, more importantly, they are fun and playful!

There were 6 dogs (including us), and 8 people who hung out. Terra and Kronos played with Lucky, and Bella even played with Kaine a bit! Everyone was so happy to see each other and we are looking forward to our next get together.

This is what seven young human cousins equals-a happily exhausted pup!

Then we ate Honest Kitchen Force as a belated Thanksgiving feast and it was so yummy! Honest Kitchen has great food and treats, and we are trying Terra on it to see how she does. We think Terra has food allergies, and have been trying so many different foods! We’re excited to see how she does on this one. We’ll let you know in a couple of weeks.

We hope you had a fabulous and yummy Thanksgiving. We’re going to help mom make banana bread, sweet potato treats, and frozen banana treats and help her clean and work today so we’ll check in later.

Wags and kisses,

Bella, Terra, & Kronos





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