sent us a case of Mulligan Stew canned dog food to try. The flavor we received is Turkey and we gave some cans of stew to our furiends to try as well.
The Mulligan Stew is Made in the USA, has a good panel of ingredients, and the ARV of a case of cans is $42.99.
Though some people may feed only wet food for a meal, we like to combine the canned food with dried kibble, a little bit of water, and our supplements to create a delicious and well rounded meal.

If we aren’t doing a food puzzle, we’ll prepare the meal in bowls. Otherwise we will stuff bones, Kongs, or other food stuffing toys with the food and serve.
The great thing about serving the food this way is that can slow down fast eaters if you have a fast-eating canine, and it requires the dogs to work at and forage for their food. This is especially great to do for breakfast and dinner if you are a busy professional who has to work and be away from the home for hours at a time. Though, still remember that nothing is an independent substitute for taking your dog for a walk, playing fetch, or interacting in some way and getting some physical exercise for both of you.

The supplements we are using right now include Cranimals, SomaPet, Turmeric, Kelp (working this back in slowly so everyone’s bodies can adjust to the cleanse), and Paw Power.
The only con about the Mulligan Stew from a pet parent perspective is that it smells a bit like cat food and isn’t quite like the other stews that have real pieces of meat and vegetables. However, Bella, Terra, & Kronos still really enjoyed the canned food and licked their bowls completely clean!