Reading is so important-it is a way to expand your mind, escape into another world, activate your imagination, and read other’s stories and learn from their mistakes. Learning to read can be very daunting and kids might be concerned about messing up or stumbling over their letters or words. Today we want to share with you an interactive learning app called “Jesse the Jack’s ABC Zoo” that teaches kids their ABCs and can help them learn to read.

There are two different modes-the Story Mode and the Play Mode. Play Mode takes you through all of the letters of the alphabet, allowing the user to pick which animal begins with the given letter. Story Mode goes through the animals from the Play Mode, but with the learner listening to the voice over reading the sentences. Both modes are interactive. The words light up while a voice reads aloud.

For each correct answer, the learner earns a “Jesse Treat,” which is a dog bone. Once you have two treats, then you are able to ask Jesse to do a trick for the treats. There is a variety and quite a few tricks to choose from.

Each letter has a unique animal character who also has a name, an adorable illustration of the animal, and many illustrations include Jesse with the animal. The Story Mode is even more interactive by offering the animal’s sounds or some movement.

This is a wonderful learning tool! The audio, visual, and interactive features of the app make learning ABCs and reading fun.
Jesse the Jack’s ABC Zoo is a learning app that is available in the Itunes store or $1.99.
To find the app quickly, search for “Jesse the Jack’s ABC Zoo,” and it’s by Best Buddies Learning LLC.
I really enjoyed playing with the app, and if you have kids they will love it too!