Blogoversary Giveaway

BellaTerraKronosxIt has been two years now since we first started blogging! Our first post as Cattle Aussies was in early September in 2013. Wow. I can’t believe time has flown by that fast!

To celebrate our second blogoversary, we’re having a giveaway for a little care package for your pup.

It includes:

A poop bag holder with bags and a light and another one to give to a friend

Teeth cleaning gel from TropiClean

A bag of dog treats

A rainbow harness for smaller dogs

A plastic water bowl for outings

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway will run from 9/11-9/19





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39 thoughts on “Blogoversary Giveaway”

  1. Happy Blog Anniversary! I’ve been blogging for 14 months now! I think I’ve been following you for about 8 months but I’m not exactly sure! I love your blog and your pups are SO cute! I love cattle dogs so much and I’m also a big fan of aussies! My family dog was actually an acd/golden mix and he actually looked a little like Terra! 😀

    1. Thanks Lauren! (By the way, do you have any idea how somewhat confusing it is that not only do you and Laura from Rubicon Days have similar names, but you both have two reddish-brown dogs and flowery blogs too!!! Lol) Congrats on blogging so long-you’re more consistent than we are 😉 We appreciate your comments so much 🙂

  2. Sarah D. and Tonya dog

    Hi! I don’t have a blog and I entered under another name with a Facebook account, but I have been following your blog for a while now! I only recently signed up for the email updates, but I was just checking up frequently to read your posts 🙂 I have been an even longer time fan (4 years?) of your YouTube channel!

    1. That’s awesome Melissa! I feel like we would have been further along if we hadn’t changed platforms and rebranded halfway, but we’re starting to gain momentum again.
      You’re doing incredibly fabulous with all of your successes on your blog and we’re so happy for you!! Congratulations to YOU!! 😀

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